Residential & Commercial Services
Interior Painting & Staining
At The Northern Finish Co., we aren’t just painters - we are “Finishers.” A Finisher is a master artisan with a paint brush, and you will certainly notice the difference when it comes to our finished product.
You know that spot where the wall meets the ceiling or the seamless transition between two pieces of woodwork? When you think of something exceptional, you think about the details. Detail is priority in everything we do, from the first time we meet until the final walkthrough.
It all starts with prep, which is at least 80% of the job. It builds the foundation for the entire project. “Are you going to cover that?” Yes, we’ve got you covered. We often spend just as much time covering areas that won’t be finished as we do applying the finish.
When you see us with spotlights out, we are diligently searching for imperfections to patch on your walls and/or woodwork. Nicks, dings, dents, scratches, cracks, and holes disappear so your dwelling looks brand new again. We caulk all of the joints and seams in your woodwork that will be painted. This creates a seamless and pristine look.
We only use the finest paints, stains, and finishes available and we will help guide you towards the best products to use for your specific needs and preferences. You simply tell us what color goes where and we’ll take care of the rest.
Exterior Painting & Staining
During the exterior quote process, we will be noting environmental factors such as exposure to sun and water. We use this information to determine the best products to use for the job.
We start your project by giving your house a bath. After your exterior has been thoroughly examined, extensive scraping and sanding will be done before the finishing begins. Water, sun, and time will cause areas of caulk to fail. We will look over all of the caulk seams and reapply where needed. Using the right exterior primers in the right areas is key to a long-lasting finish.
Our knowledge and experience in exterior painting and staining is what sets us apart from our competition. Let us show you the difference.
Log & Cedar Finishing
This isn’t just work for us. This is where we shine. It isn’t just about having a refined process, or being skillful with the tools and materials. It’s also about being passionate for your craft.
We love nothing more than seeing a vision for someone’s home, cottage or cabin come together because we did something we love.
When you think about your ideal wood finish, what comes to mind - artisanship, aesthetic, detail? Think about the experience you want to have, then contact The Northern Finish Co.
Other Finishing Services
Don’t worry, we don’t just deal with walls. Let us take care of anything else you need painted or finished. If it needs a new coat of paint or some love, we’ve got you covered.
Decks, Docks, and other wood structures
Cabinets, Furniture, and Doors
Off-site Finishing